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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Adopted: February 2, 2017
Revised: August 10, 2020
Policy No. 2-702

The College is obligated to provide equal educational opportunities for qualified students with disabilities to participate in its programs, services, and/or activities.

Faculty Responsibilities

Maintain an open line of communication.
Refer students to the Office of Disability Support Services (“DSS”) if the student has disclosed a disability. Disability Support Services will review the documentation and determine eligibility.
If accommodations are provided, a DSS Learning Specialist will issue an accommodations memo to the eligible student. The student will share the memo with faculty as instructed by their DSS Learning Specialist. If faculty require clarification, the instructor/student should reach out to DSS and the Learning Specialist will provide clarification and support.
Classroom instructors must provide the accommodations as stated by DSS. If there are any questions as to the implementation of accommodations, the classroom instructor must contact DSS.
Maintain academic integrity of the course curriculum for all students.
Maintain confidentiality of the disability. The Office of Disability Support Services will only share that the student has a documented disability.

Student Responsibilities

While disclosing a disability is always voluntary, student must disclose their disability and complete the DSS registration process in order to receive accommodations.
1. The DSS registration process requires appropriate documentation. This can be emailed, faxed, mailed, or delivered to Science Hall 150.
2. The student must meet with a DSS Learning Specialist to discuss the reasonable accommodations necessary for the specific class instruction.
3. Students are responsible for scheduling the intake appointments with DSS and must communicate with their learning specialist for memo renewals each semester. Some students will need different accommodations for different types of classes.
4. If students are not being given their accommodations, they must notify their Learning Specialist immediately.


Accommodation Appeal Process for Students

This appeal process shall apply to situations where a student has actively participated in the accommodation process and the request has been denied. An accommodation will not be considered reasonable if it fundamentally alters the nature of a service or program. We encourage students to have open discussions with the Learning Specialist to help ensure success. Additional support is available at cost in the SEED and SEED AAchieve programs.

Students who disagree with provided accommodations must first discuss concerns with the Learning Specialist who provided the Accommodations Memo. Students should also bring any concerns with faculty or staff to their assigned Learning Specialist. Students may request accommodation revisions during the semester in this manner.

If the complaint is not resolved, students should appeal within two weeks of receiving the accommodations. This should be done in writing and include the accommodation, initial reason for denial, and reason why it should be approved. This will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Student Learning and Organizational Development within 5 working days and the student will receive a response in writing.

If still unresolved, the decision may be appealed to an ad-hoc committee that may be comprised of the Dean of Student Support and Success, DSS service faculty and any applicable faculty or staff. The student will need to provide permission for any private documentation to be reviewed within the committee. A decision will be provided in writing within 14 working days and is the final decision.

Please see Student Policies and Procedures for the most updated policies and procedures.

If the student believes he/she has experienced discrimination, a complaint should be filed with the Compliance Officer in the Department of Human Resources within 10 days after the ad-hoc committee’s decision. Complaints can also be registered with the Ombudsman by calling 610-295-5168 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Discrimination complaints will follow the campus policy in the LCCC Policy Manual.

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